Latest Company News

Two Years of research project – HiPERFORM

Together with 30 project partners from 8 European countries scia Systems is cooperating for more than 3 years on the HiPERFORM-project. The project should pave the way for a decarbonized transport system, with reliable and energy efficient drivetrains. During the first year scia Systems equipped a sputtering chamber with a heated substrate holder by which the required substrate temperature of 800 °C was reached during sputtering. The chamber was transferred to Fraunhofer FEP, where the installation has been finished in year two. Now the system is processing first epi-AlN layers.

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scia Multi 300 for the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

scia Systems awarded the contract of a magnetron sputter system for the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). The fully automated magnetron sputtering system, for the deposition of GMR and TMR based multilayer coatings, convinces with a very good homogeneity and reproducibility of the multilayer stack over 300 mm diameter...

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Surface Polishing Test for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

In February 2020 scia Systems carried out a detailed study of final surface polishing for TMT International Observatory, LLC. The ion beam figuring (IBF) of the 1.4 m large TMT mirror segment prototype was performed on a scia Finish 1500 IBF system.

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Precise processing of telescope mirrors for the world’s biggest eye on the sky

scia Systems delivers two scia Finish 1500 to Safran Reosc in Poitiers, France. The systems are used for final polishing error correction of the hexagonal segments of the primary mirror for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) from the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

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Apprenticeship at scia Systems together with Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz

In order to cover the entire spectrum of vocational education, scia Systems works together with the Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz additional to its own vocational training. This joint apprenticeship enables us to convey all educational contents to our trainees, according the Vocational Training Act. The Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz, with its modern and qualified educational offerings, is a strong partner in continuously improving our apprenticeship quality today and in the future.

We look forward to continuing our successful cooperation. You can find our vacancies for apprenticeship in 2020/21 here.

scia Mill 200 for Fraunhofer ENAS

Again, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft relies on one of scia Systems’ ion beam etching tools. scia Systems was awarded for a scia Mill 200 by Fraunhofer Institute of Electronic Nano Systems ENAS. The tool will be installed in Chemnitz and will be used for patterning of magnetic multilayers for GMR-stacks (giant-magneto-resistance) or TMR-stacks (tunnel-magneto-resistance) on standardized 200 mm silicon wafers.

scia Mill 200 for Fraunhofer IMS

scia Systems awarded the contract of an ion beam etching system for the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, IMS.  

We are pleased to deliver a scia Mill 200 to Fraunhofer IMS. The ion beam etching system with end point detection will be integrated into the institute's laboratory as part of the „Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland“ funded by BMBF. It is primarily intended for process development and production of MEMS, like infrared detectors, pressure sensors, and biocompatible MEMS systems. Thereby, especially materials are structured, which cannot be etched by classical RIE or which have special geometries with high aspect ratios.

Participation on cooperative project – ALMET

Together with project partners scia Systems is working within the ALMET project on the development of systems and processes for the atomic layer deposition of metallic thin films (mALD). The objective of the project is the conformal deposition of copper and cobalt thin films within an industrial-suited ALD reactor. The reactor allows plasma assisted ALD (PALD) by a special chamber-in-chamber layout and enables a variety of different ALD processes. scia Systems is pleased to support the project with its experience and know-how.

SCHAU REIN! at scia Systems

We are taking part in the week of open companies and open our doors on 15-03-2019 from 14 o'clock for interested pupils. We will present our company and our apprenticeships.

The registration form and further information can be found here.

We look forward to your visit!

Joint apprenticeship at scia Systems

In order to cover the entire spectrum of vocational education, scia Systems works together with the Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz additional to its own vocational training. This joint apprenticeship enables us to convey all educational contents to our trainees, according the Vocational Training Act. The Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz, with its modern and qualified educational offerings, is a strong partner in continuously improving our apprenticeship quality today and in the future.

We look forward to continuing our successful cooperation. You can find our vacancies for apprenticeship in 2019/20 here.