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scia Cluster 200 for MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre (C2MI)

scia Systems gladly announces the purchase of a cluster system by the MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre (C2MI, in Bromont, Canada.

The scia Cluster 200 can process either 150 mm or 200 mm standard wafers with a high-volume handling robot and is equipped with three process chambers: one for ion beam trimming (scia Trim 200), one for magnetron sputtering (scia Magna 200) and one for plasma pre cleaning (scia Etch 200) of the substrates.

C2MI is Canada’s largest center for research and innovation in microelectronics and as a Center of Excellence it enables commercialization of next-generation prototypes for a broad range of applications, such as information and communication technologies, automobile, aerospace as well as environment, life sciences and health. The ion beam trimming system will be installed in C2MI’s Class10 (ISO4) microfabrication facility to adjust thin film thicknesses and uniformity on very demanding MEMS applications, including: Photonic waveguide fabrication, optical MEMS, or for the creation of specialized SOI wafers with higher uniformity of the device layer thickness.

The scia Magna 200 chamber will add many possibilities for material deposition and the small targets allow deposition of expensive material with easy target exchange for tests or prototyping of limited volumes.


We are pleased that our system will be part of the leading-edge equipment at C2MI and thereby helps to evolve products from a research state to commercialization of value-added products.